SEO Case Study: Bennett University

5 min readJun 29, 2022


Recently I came across a website of a popular University called Bennett University which is located in India. I have to say they have used some pretty impressive SEO techniques. In this article, I will highlight the top 5 of their SEO techniques that helped them to rank better in google SEO as well as the top 5 techniques which they should've used or done better.

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5 SEO Techniques Bennett University Has Used To Enhance Their Ranking

Technique#1: URL Optimization and Structure

when opening the website the first thing I always look at is the URL because URLs are very important for SEO.

URL is the location or address for individual pieces of content on the web. The naming and format of your URL can impact your click-through rates. There are three aspects to URL optimization: Naming, URL structure, and URL length.

Naming and Structure are short and lowercase and straightforward relevant. There is clearly no issue with the URl.

Technique#2: Internal Linking

A strong internal connection structure is crucial. The searching crawlers can locate other web pages when a page on one website connects to another page on that same domain. Additionally, internal linking facilitates the transfer of link equity to other pages.

When I went through Bennett University’s website I could easily navigate everything on the website and every page is linked

Technique#3: Optimized Page Titles

Each page on your website should have a unique, descriptive title. The title of the page is inserted into the title tag, which is nested under each page’s head tag.

All the page titles are relevant and descriptive.

Technique#4: Mobile Compatibility

Your internet presence must include a website that is responsive to mobile devices. In many nations, mobile traffic outpaces desktop traffic. I Ran Google’s mobile-friendly test to see whether this website is responsive to mobile devices.

Turns Out it is Mobile friendly.

Technique#5: Good Meta Description

A meta description should be between 50 and 160 characters in length. Although meta descriptions don’t directly impact SEO, they do have an impact on CTR and subsequent ranks. In other respects, meta descriptions may have an indirect effect on SEO.

5 SEO Mistakes Bennett University Has Done In Their Website

Mistake #1: Overusing Keywords/Key Phrases In Content

In 2022, keywords will still be crucial to indexing, but employing them excessively may damage your position.

The frequency (given as a percentage) at which your chosen term or phrase occurs in your text is known as keyword density. Although Google has never said what the “optimal” density should be, most experts concur that it shouldn’t be more than 2 percent.

On BU’s website, there are many keywords many of them about the courses offered, programs, and salaries of their graduates which makes it

extremely difficult for google to rank their content

Therefore, if you still have a tendency to fill your articles and blogs with keywords you want to rank for, it’s time to quit. Instead, write organically with the goal of giving readers the greatest possible experience.

Mistake #2: A Sluggish Website

In today’s world, having a sluggish website may be quite detrimental to your SEO. This is due to the fact that the majority of consumers prefer quick responses. They won’t likely remain around for very long if they click on your website and it takes a few seconds to load. Google is aware of this and takes website speed into account when determining a website’s rating. Crawlers who search through your website might quickly pick up on this. Crawlers from search engines will take longer to crawl your website if something loads slowly. There are several techniques to speed up your website, including lowering the amount of JavaScript and CSS code as well as the size of your pictures.

Speeds and Performance on the mobile are very important for SEO because 60% of web searches today happen on mobile devices and this number is growing exponentially. But, Bennett University has failed to achieve this because of a lot of unused JavaScript and CSS code. The same is the case with Desktop version.

Mistake#3: Lack of Long-Tail Keyword Optimization

It’s still crucial to optimize for particular keywords with a lot of people searching for them. But don’t only focus on those keywords. A significant keyword’s related keywords and inquiries, such as plurals, reworded searches, qualifiers, inquiries, synonyms, and highly relevant search phrases, should also be optimized.

When I went through the Website I noticed very fewer times synonyms and keyphrases are being used i.e, they have used the word “package” a lot of times and didn’t bother to use synonyms for that word.

Mistake#4: Neglecting Structured Schema Markup

Using schema markup, you may communicate with search engines directly and spare them the trouble of deciphering your website’s content.

Without affecting the experience for human visitors, you may tell Google precisely what type of information it is processing rather than letting it make the best guess about the context of a particular piece of material.

This makes it easier for Google to crawl and evaluate your website, which will raise your organic ranks. If you mark up your material with structured data, it may also show up as a rich snippet in Google search results.

Mistake#5: Not posting enough

Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

The “news” section of most schools and universities contains significant research updates, new hiring, and updates on construction progress. All of this information is crucial, therefore it needs a somewhere to call home. What about the rest of the pertinent data, though? What about all the material that parents and prospective students find appealing, specifically?



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